General information
Rawalakot Azad Kashmir is located at a distance of 120 Km from Islamabad, 110 Km from Muzaffarabad AJK and is the district head quarter of Rawlakot district. Two road lead to Rawalakot from Rawalpindi i.e Kotli Satiyan, Kahuta and Goyain Nala road and through Sudhnuti. Rawalakot has mild to warm temperatures during the spring and autumn, humid temperatures during summer and cold to snowy during the winter. The temperature can rise as high as 38 °C (100 °F) during the mid-summer months and drop below −3 °C (27 °F) during the winter months. Snowfall can occur in December and January, while most rainfall occurs during the monsoon season stretching from July to September.
Banjosa lake & Toli peer, two popular tourism destination in Azad Kashmir are in this area. Rawalakot Airport situated in Chak Dhamni has great attraction for tourist. Lodges, government-owned and private guest houses, and hotels are available in different parts of Rawalakot. Attractions include: mountain-based adventure tourism, rock climbing, mountaineering, trekking, summer camping and hiking, water-based adventure tourism, and paragliding.
Activities in Rawalakot Azad Kashmir are
- Treking along Banjosa Lake
- Capmping in Tolipir Peak
- Visit to Sudhan gali and Ganga Choti
- Boating in Banjosa Lake
- Local exploration around Dhirkot and Neela Butt
Places of Interest
Activities in Rawalakot Azad Kashmir are
- Treking along Banjosa Lake
- Capmping in Tolipir Peak
- Visit to Sudhan gali and Ganga Choti
- Boating in Banjosa Lake
- Local exploration around Dhirkot and Neela Butt
Night Life with Activities
There are not much activites for Night life in Rawalakot. However tourist and groups can enjoy at their own by arranging BBQ and bonefire along with some movie night.
Travel Information
Neela Butt is a tourist point in bagh district near Dhirkot that is assumed to be the starting point of Kashmir movement that liberated Azad kashmir from Dogra. it is just and hour drive from Rawalakot and 60 km from Rawakot. A historcal mounument is also there in remembrance of Matyr of Kashmir movement