Northern Areas of Pakistan
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General information
Northern Areas of Pakistan aka Gilgit-Baltistan is the northern part of counntry linked with 890 km long Karakuram Highway. Gilgit Baltistan formaley known as Northern areas of Pakistan is home to five of the "eight- thousanders" & three of the world's longest glaciers outside polar regions. Tourism i.e mountaineering & trekking is a major econmic activity generator.
Major Tourist places are :
- Gilgit (Gupis, Yasin valley, Nalter)
- Hunza (Nagar valley, Rakaposhi view point, Sost & Khunjrab boarder)
- Skardu. (Shangrila Lake, Shigar, Deosai, Khaplu fort, & Mantokha fall.)
Gilgit-Baltistan aka northern areas of Pakistan iss full of diversified cultures, languages, ethnic groups and backgrounds. Major cultural events includes
- Shandoor Polo Festival is a historical polo match played at shandoor polo ground between Chitral & Gilgit teams.
- Navroz, also known as Jashn-e-Baharan is a festival of spring celebarated at the begning of spring season
Dances in Gilgit Baltistan famous during celebrations:
- Old Man Dance: In this dance more than one person wears old-style dresses.
- Cow Boy Dance (Payaloo): In this dance a person wears old style dress, long leather shoes and a stick in hand.
- Sword Dance: In this unique dance the participants show taking one sword in right and shield in left. One to six participants as pair can dance.
Places of Interest
Major Tourist places are :
- Gilgit (Gupis, Yasin valley, Nalter)
- Hunza (Nagar valley, Rakaposhi view point, Sost & Khunjrab boarder)
- Skardu. (Shangrila Lake, Shigar, Deosai, Khaplu fort, & Mantokha fall.)
Night Life with Activities
Unlike urban centres of Pakistan, night life is limited to private parties along bone fire, local cuisine & local music enjoyed with friends & families.
Travel Information
Gilgit-Baltistan aka northern areas of Pakistan iss full of diversified cultures, languages, ethnic groups and backgrounds. Major cultural events includes
- Shandoor Polo Festival is a historical polo match played at shandoor polo ground between Chitral & Gilgit teams.
- Navroz, also known as Jashn-e-Baharan is a festival of spring celebarated at the begning of spring season
Dances in Gilgit Baltistan famous during celebrations:
- Old Man Dance: In this dance more than one person wears old-style dresses.
- Cow Boy Dance (Payaloo): In this dance a person wears old style dress, long leather shoes and a stick in hand.
- Sword Dance: In this unique dance the participants show taking one sword in right and shield in left. One to six participants as pair can dance.